dinsdag, december 16, 2014

Anne Lotte op reis door Australië 2014 - 2015.


Mijn dochter Anne Lotte Pompert trekt samen met een vriendin vanaf november 2014 door Australië.

Met behulp van "Dropbox" stuurt ze haar foto's naar huis. 
Uiteraard kunnen wij zo van haar avonturen meegenieten, maar zo kan ik ook de door haar gefotografeerde vogels determineren.  Ook de zoogdieren , reptielen etc. zal ik proberen te determineren.

Ik plaats van elke soort enkele foto's in deze blog, zodat Anne Lotte (ALP) de determinaties kan bekijken.

Het is een groeiend blog, dat wil zeggen dat ik het geregeld zal aan vullen, zolang haar reis loopt.

ALP fotografeert met een Canon SX600 hs. Een pocketcamera, waar toch nog verrassende beelden meegemaakt kunnen worden en die gemakkelijk is mee te nemen op een backpackers-tour.


Australian pelican. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Australian pelican. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Black cormorant.  Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Pied cormorant.  Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Little black cormorant.  Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Little black cormorant samen met White-faced heron.  Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

White-faced heron.  Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Eastern Reef heron. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Eastern Reef heron. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Royal Spoonbill. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

White ibis ( Threskiornis molucca ). Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

White ibis ( Threskiornis molucca ). Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

Pied Geese enWhite ibis ( Threskiornis molucca ). Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

Little grebe. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Black Swan. Jan 2015. Foto: ALP.

Black Swan met Black Duck. Jan 2015. Foto: ALP.

White -eyed duck. Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Australian Wood-ducks.  Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Osprey. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Osprey. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Osprey. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Whistling kite. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Dusky Moorhen. Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Swamphen. Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Swamphen. Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Brush Turkey. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Scrubfowl. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Bush Stone Curlew. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Bush Stone Curlew. Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Masked Plover. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Masked Plover. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Black-fronted Plover. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Pied Oystercatcher. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Red-necked Stints en Curlew sandpipers. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Great knot, Curlew sandpiper en Bar-tailed godwits. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Silver Gulls, Great knot, Curlew sandpiper en Bar-tailed godwits. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Silver Gulls. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Silver Gull. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Spotted turtle dove. Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Peaceful Dove. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Crested Dove. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Crested Dove. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Galah. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Galah. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Little Corella. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Pale-headed rosella. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Rainbow Lorikeet. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Laughing Kookaburra. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Laughing Kookaburra. Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

Azure kingfisher. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Azure kingfisher. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Welcome swallow. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Welcome swallow. Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

Australian pipit (Anthus australis) . Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.
De Australian pipit was voorheen samengevoegd met  Richard'sAfricanMountain and Paddyfield pipits in één soort namelijk Richard's pipit ( Grote pieper ), Anthus novaeseelandiae.
Door sommige auteurs wordt de Australasian pipit wederom in twee soorten gesplitst :
Australian pipit (Anthus australis) in Australia and New Guinea and 
New Zealand pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae) in New Zealand.

Willie wagtail. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Superb blue wren. man. Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

Superb blue wren. vrouw. Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

White-browed Scrub-wren. Jan 2015. Foto: ALP.

Figbird. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Figbird. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Figbird. Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

Eastern Spinebill. Jan 2015. Foto: ALP.

New Holland Honey-eater. Jan 2015. Foto: ALP.

Blue-faced Honeyeater.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

 Blue-faced Honeyeater.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Blue-faced Honeyeater. Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

Lewin's Honeyeater.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Little Wattlebird.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Red Wattlebird.  Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

Noisy miner.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Noisy miner.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Noisy miner.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Pheasant-coucal.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

White-breasted Woodswallow.  Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Nutmeg Mannikins. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Magpie lark. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Magpie lark. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Pied Butcherbird. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Pied Butcherbird. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Grey Butcherbird. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Grey Butcherbird. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Grey Butcherbird. Dec 2014. Foto: ALP.

Australian Magpie. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

White-winged Chough. Jan 2015. Foto: ALP.

Pied Currawong. Jan 2015. Foto: ALP.

Shining Starling. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Common Myna. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.


Cape York Rat ( Rattus leucopus ). Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Common Brushtail Possum ( Trichosurus vulpecula )  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Agile Wallaby ( Macropus agilis ) Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Eastern Gray kangaroo. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Eastern Gray kangaroo. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Koala.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Koala.  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) / Vogelbekdier. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

dat heet kortsluiting!
Black Flying Fox ( Pteropus alecto ). Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Black Flying Fox ( Pteropus alecto ). Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Dingo. Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Reptielen en Amphibieën.

Southern Snapping Turtle. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Southern Snapping Turtle. Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

 freckled monitor ( Varanus tristis orientalis ).  Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Gould's Sand Monitor (Goanna: Varanus gouldii). Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Gould's Sand Monitor (Goanna: Varanus gouldii)Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Gould's Sand Monitor (Goanna: Varanus gouldii)Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Lace Monitor . Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Lace Monitor . Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Australian Water dragon ( Physignathus lesueurii ). Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Australian Water dragon ( Physignathus lesueurii ). Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Australian Water dragon ( Physignathus lesueurii ). Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Australian Water dragon ( Physignathus lesueurii ). Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Australian Water dragon ( Physignathus lesueurii ). Jan. 2015. Foto: ALP.

Eastern Bearded Dragon ( Pogona barbata ). Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Common Bluetongue ( Tiliqua scincoides ) Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Common Bluetongue ( Tiliqua scincoides ) Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Land Mullet. Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Barred-sided Skink ( Eulamprus tenius ). Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Closed-litter Rainbow-skink ( Carlia longipes ). Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Nov 2014. Foto: ALP.

Cane Toad (Bufo marinus)  Nov. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Green tree frog.  Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.

Green tree frog.  Dec. 2014. Foto: ALP.


Brown Huntsman Spider. Nov. 2014. Foto: ALP

Brown Huntsman Spider. Nov. 2014. Foto: ALP

Groene mier / Weaver ant. Nov. 2014. Foto: ALP

Blue Tiger ( Tirumala hamata ) Dec 2014. Foto: ALP

Kwal. Nov. 2014. Foto: ALP

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